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DEFAULT In-vitro assay A generic dose response template. /IOM doseresponse Cell Viability published
COMET COMET The comet assay, also called SCGE (Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis), is a rapid and informative method to detect DNA damage at single cell level used on many different cell types. The assay detects single and double strand DNA breaks as a consequence of a direct damage or as intermediate of DNA repair processes and it is successfully applied both in in vivo and in vitro genotoxicity testing. RISKGONE/NILU doseresponse Genetic toxicity in vitro published
CFE Colony Forming Efficiency The colony forming efficiency assay (CFE) (also called clonogenic or plating efficiency assay) measures the ability of cells to survive and form colonies, which is an ultimate index of cytotoxicity. RISKGONE/NILU doseresponse Cell Viability published
ALAMARBLUE Alamar Blue The Alamar Blue (AB) assay is a high throughput, cell metabolism-based method largely applied in toxicology and nanotoxicology to investigate cell viability (cytotoxicity), cell proliferation and cellular metabolic activity in response to chemicals and nanomaterials. RISKGONE/NILU doseresponse Cell Viability published
WST1 WST-1 Assay for Cell Proliferation and Viability GRACIOUS/BfR doseresponse Cell Viability published
NRU Neutral Red Uptake Assay GRACIOUS/BfR doseresponse Cell Viability published
HPRT HPRT gene mutation assay - SWANSEA layout The hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) gene is located on the X chromosome of mammalian cells and is used as a model gene to investigate gene mutation. The in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assay is significantly important for detecting point mutations induced by engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) as the bacterial reverse gene mutation assay (Ames test) is not appropriate for use with these materials. RISKGONE/SWANSEA doseresponse Genetic toxicity in vitro published
MICRONUCLEUS Long-Term 3D cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay The template for 3D cell models follows the structure of a 2D template. Still, it differs in the “Raw data” spreadsheet, where the metadata expected to be filled up follows the specificity of experiments to detect micronucleus in 3D spheroids (PATROLS, D4.1 SOPs for GIT and liver 3D advanced models optimised for long-term exposures. PATROLS/SWANSEA doseresponse Genetic toxicity in vitro published
CBMN Acute 2D/3D cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay The micronucleus assay is considered the gold standard for detecting chromosomal damage in vitro. The assay is designed so that cells exposed to a genotoxic test agent result in chromosomal breakage forming small spherical nuclei (micronuclei) being detected as fixed DNA damage. NANOINFORMATIX/FIOH doseresponse Genetic toxicity in vitro published
BIOIMPEDANCE Bio impedance - human cells Label-free Cell monitoring by Electrical Impedance (bioimpedance). This method can assess cell viability, proliferation, cell-cell and cell-substrate interaction of adherent cells growing onto a microelectrode array. RISKGONE/University of Bergen (UiB) doseresponse Cell Viability published
BIOIMPEDANCE_ECOTOX Bio impedance - ecotoxicity Label-free Cell monitoring by Electrical Impedance (bioimpedance). This method can assess cell viability, proliferation, cell-cell and cell-substrate interaction of adherent cells growing onto a microelectrode array. RISKGONE/University of Bergen (UiB) doseresponse Cell Viability published
DOSERESPONSE_TABLE In-vitro assay (results as a table) A generic dose response template. /IOM doseresponse Cell Viability draft
CYTOKINES_RELEASE Cytokines release Cytokines release SABYNA/RIVM doseresponse Immunotoxicity draft
NEUTROPHIL_SURVIVAL Neutrophil survival Neutrophil survival /POLYRISK/UU doseresponse Cell Viability draft
ECOTOX Ecotoxicity - fish, daphnia, algae, soil (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC ecotox Short-term toxicity to aquatic inverterbrates published
ECOTOXTDRF Ecotoxicity - dose response Dose response template for ecotoxicity experiment /IOM doseresponse Short-term toxicity to aquatic inverterbrates published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_GRACIOUS Particle size distribution by ES-DMA, CLS (AUC) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
PC_DUSTINESS Dustiness with small drum (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC pchem Dustiness published
DENSITY_HEPYCNOMETER Density - He Pycnometer (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Density published
ZETAPOTENTIAL_RISKGONE Zeta Potential by ELS (RiskGone) (CC BY-SA 4.0) The zeta potential is the property defining the surface charge of a material dispersed in a liquid. ELS technique is used to estimate the zeta potential of nanoparticles in suspension from their electrophoretic mobility. The zeta potential and the electrophoretic mobility are then related by the Henry equation. http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 RISKGONE/ pchem Zeta potential published
PC_SURFACECHEMISTRY_TGA Surface Chemistry (TGA) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Analytical Methods published
PC_TGA_DEGRADATION Degradation behavior by TGA PLASTICFATE/BAM pchem Analytical Methods draft
PC_SURFACECHEMISTRY_FTIR Surface Chemistry (FTIR) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Analytical Methods published
PC_SPECTRA_RAMAN NANOREG Raman data template (updated by PLASTICFATE) (CC BY-SA 4.0) PLASTICFATE/CSIC pchem Analytical Methods published
CHARISMA_RR Raman spectra metadata template Raman spectra metadata including links to spectra files CHARISMA/ pchem Analytical Methods draft
SSA_SEARSTITRATION Specific Surface Area by Sears Titration (for colloidal silica) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Specific surface area published
HYDROPHOBICITY_CONTACTANGLE Hydrophobicity by Contact Angle (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Water solubility published
SURFACECHEMISTRY_XPS Surface Chemistry by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Surface chemistry published
CRYSTALLINITY_XRD Crystallinity by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Crystalline phase published
COMPOSITION_XRF Elemental composition and chemical purity by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Analytical Methods published
COMPOSITION_ICPMS Elemental composition by ICP-MS (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Analytical Methods published
COMPOSITION Define material composition (CC BY 4.0) Detailed information of material component (chemistry, role, identifiers). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7751340 HARMLESS/IDEA pchem Material composition published
OMICS Omics metadata (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) А metadata map for omics data with columns relevant for nanosafety. Omics data stored in e.g. Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), ArrayExpress, or PRIDE implement omics community standards, including minimum information requirements for omics experiments. However, the databases lack field-specific metadata, such as that defined within the nanosafety community, which leads to poor interoperability with other types of data and databases. NANOREG2/KI metadata Omics metadata published
OMICSINVIVO Omics in-vivo metadata (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) OMICS template extended with fields for in-vivo studies HARMLESS/KI,NRCWE metadata Omics metadata published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_DLS Hydrodynamic particle size by DLS (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_SAXS SAXS (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_TEM Particle size distribution by TEM (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_NTA Particle size and particle counting by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (CC BY-SA 4.0) NTA technique provides size characterization based on the free diffusion behavior of particles in solution. NTA measures particle diffusion by tracking the random motion of single particles in solution via high temporal-resolution video acquisition and enhanced contrast microscopy. The diffusion of the objects in suspension is measured with single-particle resolution, and hence it is particularly suitable for the characterization of size distribution for highly polydisperse nanoparticle populations. http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 NANOREG/JRC pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
PC_GRANULOMETRY_NANOREG_RISKGONE Particle size distribution by TEM, DLS,NTA (RiskGone) (CC BY-SA 4.0) Multiple materials and results in JRC/NANoREG template style - modified by RiskGone http://dx.doi.org/10.2787/505397 RISKGONE/ pchem Particle size distribution (Granulometry) published
DENSITY_EFFECTIVE Effective density (CC BY-SA 4.0) Multiple materials and results in JRC/NANoREG template style http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Density published
DENSITY_EFFECTIVE_RISKGONE Effective density by VCM (RiskGone) (CC BY-SA 4.0) The determination of the effective density of NM by the VCM (Volumetric Centrifugation Method) is based on the measurement of the volume of the pellet obtained by low speed, benchtop centrifugation of NM suspensions in a packed cell volume tube. http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 RISKGONE/ pchem Density published
ZETAPOTENTIAL Zeta Potential (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Zeta potential published
ECR ECR- Environmental Consumer Release (CC BY 4.0) The ECHA Use descriptors will be included in the downloaded template and available for selection in the relevant field. If you don't select any items, all values will be included in the template, otherwise, only the selected items will be included. https://zenodo.org/record/4665253 GRACIOUS/LEITAT exposure_release Use and exposure information published
ORE ORE- Occupational Release (CC BY 4.0) The ECHA Use descriptors will be included in the downloaded template and available for selection in the relevant field. If you don't select any items, all values will be included in the template, otherwise, only the selected items will be included. https://zenodo.org/record/4665253 GRACIOUS/LEITAT exposure_release Use and exposure information published
DISSOLUTION Dissolution, dynamic or static (N/A) GRACIOUS, GOV4NANO and NanoHarmony/ pchem Water solubility published
DISSOLUTIONIONS Dynamic dissolution in lung stimulant fluid (CC-BY 4.0) Dynamic dissolution of a test material in lung simulant fluids is monitored via a continuous flow system consisting of a heat cabinet with reservoir, flow-through cells, peristaltic pump set at 2mL/h and external autosampler. Leaching/biopersistence of relevant metals may be estimated after analysis of the samples in time by a suitable analytical method (i.e., ICP-MS) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7729600 HARMLESS/BASF pchem Water solubility published
SSA_BET Specific Surface Area by BET (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) method (CC BY-SA 4.0) http://dx.doi.org/10.2760/142959 GRACIOUS/JRC pchem Specific surface area published
NRF2ACTIVATION NRF2 Activation assay This template allows data entry for multiple materials. Please specify the number of materials in the relevant web form field. GRACIOUS/BfR doseresponse Cell Viability published
CARBONYLATION Determining Protein Carbonylation GRACIOUS/BfR doseresponse Cell Viability published
DCFH DCFH (acellular) GRACIOUS/BfR doseresponse Oxidative Stress published
BARRIERCROSSING Barrier crossing NANOINFORMATIX/ doseresponse Barrier integrity published
REDOXPOTENTIAL Redox Potential NANOINFORMATIX/ pchem Oxidative Stress published
NOPRODUCTION Nitric Oxide production SBD4NANO/ doseresponse Oxidative Stress published
FRAS Ferric Reduction Ability of Serum (CC-BY 4.0) Ferric reducing ability of serum (FRAS) assay template. FRAS assay is an indirect assay, based on the principle of absorbance change due to reduction of an Fe3+ complex to Fe2+ complex, by the residual antioxidants in a sample, pre-incubated with a nanomaterial.The absorbance change is correlated to the antioxidant capacity of the serum: the more antioxidants species, the more intense the blue colour. Antioxidants may be suppressed by free radicals produced by nanomaterials, leading to oxidative damage, shown by a reduced blue colour in the assay. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7729589 HARMLESS/BASF doseresponse Oxidative Stress published
MODELS Models metadata Models metadata SBD4NANO/Maastricht University metadata Computational models metadata published
ENZYME ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE - INHIBITION, ADSORPTION This type of NM characterisation is called biological characterisation based on enzyme inhibition/adsorption intensity. The more biologically reactive the suspended material (has a potential to inhibit enzyme) or the surface (has a potential to adsorb to the surface) the higher the inhibition of enzyme activity is. Results show that AChE is a promising candidate for ranking different NMs according to their adsorptive and inhibitory properties. PLASTICFATE/University of Ljubljana doseresponse Oxidative Stress published
PC_MICROSCOPY_COUNTING Particle counting by microscopy Microscopy measurements to estimate the number, size distribution and classification of particles POLYRISK/Fraunhofer CSP pchem Analytical Methods draft
PC_VIBRATIONALSPECTROSCOPY_COUNTING Particle counting by vibrational spectroscopy Vibrational spectroscopy measurements Such as µFT-IR or µRaman are used to estimate the number, size distribution classification and the type of micro and nanoparticles (in special plastics). The analysis of spectra and mapping images can be done using different techniques. POLYRISK/Fraunhofer CSP pchem Analytical Methods draft