How do you represent your digital objects?

'I1. Representation' definition and examples

FAIR Definition

I1 Representation

(Meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. Learn more

JRCNM01000a genotoxicity data in NANoREG

HyperText Markup Language (HTML , a.k.a web page) RFC1866

HTML representation

JRCNM01000a genotoxicity data in NANoREG

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format RFC7159

JSON representation

JRCNM01000a genotoxicity data in NANoREG

W3C Resource Description Framework RDF

RDF/N3 representation

JRCNM01000a genotoxicity data in NANoREG

Investigation-Study-Assay ISA-JSON

ISA-JSON representation